Sunday, October 23, 2011

High-level radioactive cesium has now been detected in soil in Kashiwa, Japan - 23rd Oct 2011

The municipal government of Kashiwa in Chiba Prefecture said Saturday it found a high level of radioactive cesium in soil of city-owned land.Up to 276,000 becquerels of cesium per kilogram of soil was detected 30 centimeters below the surface on Friday after an abnormal level of airborne radiation was found earlier in the week, the municipality said.
It said it will seek to identify the cause of the contamination jointly with the science ministry.
When the municipal government first received a report of airborne radiation of 57.7 microsieverts per hour at the site, it said the radiation was unlikely to be related to the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant since the high radiation level was detected in a small area.
Science ministry officials said they cannot deny the possibility that the wrecked nuclear power plant is the source of the radiation. Source
Note: And whilst the public are continuously told it is not harmful, the scientist and experts continue to wear Hazmat suits.

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