Thursday, October 6, 2011

Anti-Wall Street Protests Spread Nationwide - 6th Oct 2011

Hundreds of people have joined protests in Wall Street - with demonstrations gathering momentum and support as they spread nationwide. 
Organised labour joined the Occupy Wall Street protests adding numbers and focus to what is still a very disparate protest movement three weeks since its inception.
It remains uncertain whether this is a watershed moment in American politics, but the protests seem to be striking a chord with more and more people from all walks of life.
There have now been protests in solidarity with the New York demonstrations, in Boston, Los Angeles and several cities in between.
Thursday is expected to see the same in the nation's capital Washington DC.
Some are already drawing comparisons with the anti-Vietnam war marches in the 1970s.
The protests seem to be tapping into a well spring of discontent about America's economy and its politics. Read More

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